Sports Authority of India

Key Statistics

S.No. Schemes No. of Centres Residential Non-Residential Grand Total
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
1. National Centres of Excellence (NCOE) 24 1658 1514 3172 166 147 313 3485
2. SAI Training Centre(s) (STCs) 69 2238 1383 3621 426 319 745 4366
3. Extension Centre of STC/SAGs 26 0 0 0 273 153 426 426
4. NSTC : Regular Schools 9 0 0 0 83 15 98 98
5. Indigenous Games & Martial Arts (IGMAs) 9 0 0 0 74 59 133 133
6. Akharas 50 0 0 0 786 138 924 924
- Total 187 3896 2897 6793 1808 831 2639 9432