Our Vision

Promoting Excellence in Sports

Promoting Excellence in Sports

Sports Authority of India (SAI) was set up in 1984 to carry forward the legacy of the IXth Asian Games held in New Delhi in 1982 under the Department of Sports. SAl has been entrusted with the twin objectives of promoting sports and achieving sporting excellence at the national and international level. SAI was set up as a Society registered of Societies Act, 1860 in pursuance of the Resolution No. 1-1/83/SAI dated 25th January 1984 of the Department of Sports, Govt. of India with the objective of promotion of Sports and Games as detailed in the Resolution.

SAI has played a significant role in shaping India’s sports development by providing training to elite athletes and at the same time operating a number of schemes for the identification and development of young talent. The schemes are being implemented through various regional centres and training centres of SAI spread throughout the country. In addition to that, a number of academic programmes in physical education and sports are also offered by SAI. SAI is also entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining and utilizing, on the behalf of Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, the following Stadia in Delhi which were constructed/renovated for the IX Asian Games held in New Delhi in 1982:

  • Jawaharlal Nehru Sports Stadium
  • Indira Gandhi Sports Complex
  • Major Dhyan Chand National
  • Dr. Syama Prasad Mookherjee Swimming Pool Complex
  • Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Ranges
Sports Authority of India

Aims and Objectives

  • Talent Scouting at micro level & Nurturing talent towards excellence.
  • Training & International Exposure.
  • Support Training with Scientific & Sports Equipment and scientific personnel.
  • Monitor and enhance Performance with a scientific evaluation system.
  • Training and preparation of National teams.
  • Sports Infrastructure Development & Maintenance.
  • Maintenance and up gradation of 4 stadia complexes and a shooting range in Delhi.
  • To produce coaches and physical educationists of high caliber in different disciplines of sports to broad base sports.
  • To implement various schemes of the MYAS e.g. Khelo India , Assistance to NSF, TOPS, FIT India.
Aims and Objectives
Sports Authority of India

Approach & Strategy

The development of sports and promotion of excellence, including performance at the international level, is a highly complex and multi-dimensional subject. The strategies include:

  • International collaboration for sports development and sporting excellence.
  • Evolving a structured system for spotting and increasing the talent pool in all Olympic disciplines and selected indigenous and other sports.
  • Focused attention on areas and regions having potential of excellence in the specific sports disciplines.
  • Establishing infrastructure and an integrated framework for training and grooming talent at different age and proficiency levels, involving SAI, State Governments and National Sports Federations (NSFs).
  • Encouraging active involvement of the corporate sector in developing academies and Centres of Excellence for different disciplines.
  • Improvement of coaching development and supervision.
  • Strengthening scientific and technical support for sportspersons.
  • Ensuring the availability of quality sports goods and the development of indigenous sports goods industry.